Team writing project details

The Agile Writing project model starts with a vision for the finished written product, a list of writing requirements, team meetings to determine what to work on, frequent meetings about productivity, and  review of writing and team processes. 


Project Vision (Goals and purpose)

Team writing projects start with an assignment vision from the the instructor.

The assignment vision describes student learning outcomes and a finished written product such as a research paper. The hexagon illustration above depicts the product vision not as representing idealized product but as one that is not fully formed. Writing teams and the process itself will more fully define the finished product.

To Do (Project Requirements)

Projects are made up of a list of requirements. While requirements are specific, the final form of each is unknown and subject to change. Thus the image above shows a collection of requirements using tints of color instead of fully saturated colors. Tints represent iterative understanding; saturated colors represent certainty, predictable outcomes.

During a planning meeting, the instructor and student teams discuss the highest priority requirements for the current working period. The teams divide roles and associated writing requirements. Teams keep track of each other's commitments in team update memos and task boards.

The Working Period

Teams perform their work within fixed time frames--two weeks, for example. One-week periods might work well at the very beginning of the term to give teammates a chance to reflect on team processes. After the first project, instructor and teams may prefer two-week periods because the longer work period gives teams more time for being productive outside of class.

Work in Progress

Cross-functional teams think about all the project requirements at once as they relate to a small part (increment) or a draft (iteration) of the document they're working on.

Frequent Team Updates

Teams meet frequently for short meetings that last no longer than 15 minutes. Teammates discuss progress and obstacles that get in the way of productivity. 

Increment Review

Held at the end of the work period to informally review (inspect) what teams have developed and to provide feedback about the value of the work plus supportive ideas for how to improve it. 

Team Retrospective

The Retrospective is an opportunity for teammates to reflect on (inspect) the team's own processes and relationships and to create a plan for improvements they can make for the next working period. Retrospectives may occur at the end of working periods or as needed.

Agile Writing is based on Scrum and design thinking. Scrum Guide   |    Design Thinking