Getting started with team writing

We are actively exploring designs for agile writing in technical communication

and university writing courses, and we are measuring the impact of agile writing frameworks on teaching and learning. Our current model, based on Scrum, explores student writing achievement and student attitudes toward writing in teams. Learn more about recent results.


We have developed learning materials for use in agile technical writing and communication classrooms. While teaching twenty-five undergraduate writing courses using agile writing methods, we have developed the following materials for instructors and students. Agile Writing model details.


A transparent classroom asks instructors to 1) make their expectations explicit and 2) give students a chance to make their interpretations of those expectations visible.

In the following example, students draft short increments of a writing project--in this case, document headings for a technical description. 

Prototyping document headings

The instructor gets a glimpse into student thinking about the form and function of document headings and is able to make suggestions for improvement prior to drafting of the entire document.