agile writing project

How to include a team writing project in your course

A team project approach to writing uses principles of design thinking and agile project management to plan, monitor, and continuously improve the work of writing teams. Including a team writing project in your course supports team productivity by guiding students to focus on high-priority activities. The framework also supports individual learning about course content, discipline-specific writing, and teamwork.


The goal of team-based writing projects is to prepare students for today's collaborative, learning-intensive workplaces. 


What is a project approach to writing?


Lead researchers

Joseph Moses, Ph.D., CSM, Senior Lecturer, [email protected] Jason Tham, PhD Candidate, Graduate Instructor, [email protected]
Department of Writing Studies Department of Writing Studies
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA


The Agile Writing Project explores the potential for team-based agile project-management frameworks to continuously improve team performance on writing projects across the curriculum. 

Current research projects

Fall 2016: Agile writing in technical and professional writing